It Gets Better with Mormon Family and Friends
BYU It Gets Better
SLC 2011 – Circling the Wagons 013: It HAS Gotten Better: LGBTQ History in Utah over the Past 30 Years with Jim Dabakis and Ben Williams
It HAS Gotten Better: LGBTQ History in Utah over the Past 30 Years. Jim Dabakis and Ben Williams.
SLC 2011 – Circling the Wagons 012: A National Perspective on the Church and LBGTQ Issues with Jimmy Creech
A National Perspective on the Church and LBGTQ Issues with Jimmy Creech.
SLC 2011 – Circling the Wagons 011: What Helps (and Hurts) in Resolving Sexual, Religious, and Social Conflicts with Dr. Lee Beckstead
What Helps (and Hurts) in Resolving Sexual, Religious, and Social Conflicts with Dr. Lee Beckstead.
SLC 2011 – Circling the Wagons 10: A Father’s Journey Toward Understanding Homosexuality
A Father’s Journey Toward Understanding Homosexuality with Stephen Cohen.
SLC 2011 – Circling the Wagons 09: To Be or Not to Be: the Power of Authenticity as a Mormon Lesbian
To Be or Not to Be: the Power of Authenticity as a Mormon Lesbian. Julia Hunter, Elise Mortensen West, Kelly Hill.
SLC 2011 – Circling the Wagons 08: Panel on the differences and similarities between Affirmation, Family Fellowship, North Star and Evergreen
Panel on the salient differences and similarities between Affirmation, Family Fellowship, North Star and Evergreen hosted by Empathy First Initiative. Includes Kendall Wilcox, Jon Hastings, Bianca Morrison Dillard, Brent Kirby.
SLC 2011 – Circling the Wagons 07: Workshop with Carol Lynn Pearson and Bill Bradshaw Part 2
In this two-part episode Carol Lynn Pearson and Bill Bradshaw shared their wisdom on the topic of How to Navigate the Issues Surrounding Homosexuality and Same-Sex Attraction as a Latter-day Saint. Topics such as mixed-orientation marriages, how to support SSA…